Sonic 2 beta zones

I won't go into too much detail about the zones here, as there are many other sites that explain them in depth. I will, however, give you a quick run-down of the zones in the beta version along with several screenshots of each.

Here's the Sonic 2 Beta level select screen - unfortunately not all the zones are there...

Green Hill Zone
This is actually the Emerald Hill zone. Aside from the 'moto bug' badnik, and the fact that the Coconuts badnik and a few power-ups are missing, this is pretty much the same as the normal Emerald Hill.

Wood Zone
This zone is set amongst some large trees. There are no enemies, rings or powerups in this level, and only about a quarter of the level is actually playable!(you get stuck at the ramp in the second screenshot).

Metropolis Zone
This zone has some interesting features, such as the ability to walk on lava and the triangle thing which pushes you up. However, aside from these facts, the Metropolis zone is pretty much the same as the full zone. In the beta there are no badniks though, and the background is slightly different.

Hill Top Zone
This is exactly the same as the full Hill Top zone, except a few badniks are missing (e.g. the one with the spiked head), and Sonic runs rather than spins through the tubes.

Hidden Palace Zone
Oh, yes! This is, in my opinion, the best (and most complete) zone in the beta! It has everything - badniks, springs, rings, tubes etc. Except an exit.
I really want to play the complete version of this zone - it's a shame Sonic Team decided to get rid of this one. Why not get rid of a different, more boring zone such as Hill Top?

What's the Master Emerald doing in Sonic 2? (I like Sonic's pose in this one, it looks like he's about to punch the emerald!)

Oil Ocean Zone
Not many differences here - the background is slightly different, there are no badniks and a few of the low-level sprites are missing. Other than that, it's pretty much the same as normal Oil Ocean. The collapsible platforms are also missing (note the oil pouring out of the platform in the first screenshot), and there are buttons everywhere that release checkered balls! (although they don't appear checkered on the screenshot).

Dust Hill Zone... or is it?
It says Dust Hill on the level select, but it is actually Mystic Cave! However, the sprites and level plan are completely different to the final Mystic Cave! I think this version of the level was just an early test so that Sonic Team could see how all the traps/platforms worked, by placing them in the level. There are no rings, so it is almost impossible to get past the spiked balls and moving boxes!

Casino Night Zone
As you can see, this version is completely different to the final Casino Night! The background is different, the level layout is different, and the whole thing looks a lot cooler! However, in the beta, there are several places where it is almost impossible to pass without debug (some of the floors are missing).

Chemical Plant Zone
This is almost exactly the same as the final Chemical Plant. The only differences are really the different loop edges (seen in the 1st screenshot), and the fact that there are no Badniks (apart from the jumping blue stuff).

Genocide City Zone
The name sounds cool, but as you can see there is no zone. Just blue. You just fall and fall until you die. And no, you can't stand on those green ledges! This must be one of the zones that was removed very early in the design phase, before any of the graphics or sprites had been uploaded.

Neo Green Hill Zone
I'm sure you'll recognise this as the Aquatic Ruin zone from the final Sonic 2. Apart from the fact that there are no Badniks, none of the underwater sections are complete, and that there are floating pillars in certain places, it is exactly the same as the Aquatic Ruin zone from the final Sonic 2.

Death Egg Zone
Another incomplete zone where you just fall until you die. Similar to Genocide City.

Special Stage - refuses to select

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